Last week on Telegram, chats were ablaze with rumors that direct messaging on the platform lost its encryption, after CEO Pavel Durov posted bail from a French jail and Telegram made a quiet update to their FAQ.
In short, no. The door is now open to Telegram handing over message data related to specific accounts, groups, or message based on requests from authorities.
That was just too much information coming out me so is Telegram private or not? And is Signal private or not? Thanks.
In short, no. The door is now open to Telegram handing over message data related to specific accounts, groups, or message based on requests from authorities.
Yasha Levine has argued that Signal is a government op:
We hope that helps!
Telegram's DMs were never encrypted. I knew and understood that when I started using it in 2020.
I’m sure the US State Department threats were not small.